Practicing Actor-Network Theory 2015

   Practicing Actor-Network Theory

November 2015 - January 2016


How can so-called Actor-Network Theory be put into practice as a research approach in studies of architecture and the built environment? What could an ‘ANT approach’ imply for how we design, conduct and report on research?

The course Practicing Actor-Network Theory - ANT as a research approach for the study of architecture and the built environment (7,5 ECTS) is given by KTH and Lund University in cooperation.


Areas of research that have been explored by researchers working within the emerging ANT tradition are the mutually constitutive relations between humans and non-humans (machines, animals, technologies, etc), the construction and agency of knowledge, the process of innovation – and how technologies stabilize the social world. ANT is perhaps also particularly suited as a research approach for the study of architecture and the built environment because of its insistence upon taking into regard how human actors both radically shape and are shaped by material and spatial configurations.


The purpose of the course is to give the participants an opportunity to engage with classic as well as contemporary texts in the broader ANT-tradition and to explore how they could apply an ANT-approach to research in their own work and field of interest.


Session 1: 16th to 17th November 2015, Stockholm

Session 2: 14th to 15th December 2015, Stockholm

Session 3: 25th to 26th January 2016, Lund


Apply by sending a statement of interest to resarc [at] with a copy to course leaders Mattias Kärrholm (mattias.karrholm [at] and Jonathan Metzger (jonathan.metzger [at]


For more info, see the course description (pdf).