Pedagogical Profile
The profiling of ResArc is made through thematically and pedagogically well-prepared series of courses, seminars and workshops. These activities welcome PhD students, supervisors, senior researchers and experts, in meetings that foster a wider and deeper development of competence.
Phd Courses
PhD courses constitute a main activity in ResArc and participation in the course pro-gramme is the central conjoining mechanism of the research school. The ResArc courses assure a subject-specific range of contents related to architectural theory, history, materiality, socio-spatiality, design and practice.
Recurrent Courses
Recurrent thematic courses (7,5 HEC each) are offered and arranged by ResArc. These courses are designed to meet and support temporary and conditional interests of research and are developed and run in close working relation with the strong research environments Making and Effect. The overall format of a thematic ResArc course includes a theoretical introduction (phase 1), an exercise where approaches and methods are tried (phase 2), and a public result such as an article, an intervention or exhibition (phase 3). At least one of these phases could include a situation-specific investigation.
Complementary Courses
Complementary courses can be designed on shorter notice and need not be recurrent. They may emerge in relation to specific interests stated by the students, or in order to catch an emerging interesting topic in the field. If several students have similar interests, special courses can be organized within the frame of ResArc.
The doctoral course Approaches aims to introduce basic questions in theory and methodology as well as to develop the doctoral students’ understanding of the relationship between epistemology, ontology, and methodology. It focuses on activities of:
- Knowledge building on doing research
- Developing one's' own knowledge and skills through writing
This framework includes both practice-oriented research and well-established theories and methodological traditions (More info).
The course is held in four intense modules of two days each. At least two of them will be delivered in both physical and hybrid form, two modules will be given on Zoom.
Module 1 is held at UMA, December 4-6, 2024
Module 2 on Zoom, 28-29 January 2025
Module 3 on Zoom, March 10-11, 2025 (optionally at KTH in Stockholm)
Optional: writing training seminars in small groups, April 8-9, 2025
Module 4 at TU Delft, June 4-5, 2025
Course instructors Janina Gosseye (TU Delft), Ebba Högström (UMA), Meike Schalk (KTH), and Roemer van Toorn (UMA).
Deadline for applications: 1 November 2024.
Contact: Meike Schalk,
The course is a collaboration between the Architecture Schools of The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Umeå University (UMA), and TU Delft.
Erlier courses:
Knowledge communication in architectural research, 7,5 credits
The course addresses knowledge communication both broadly and in-depth, including different forms of communication and communication with different audiences. This includes different media and formats – e.g., written communication, visual material, exhibitions – and how these work in relation to different contexts.
The course is hosted by KTH and will start on February 6 2024. It runs during the spring semester with recurring meetings every month, ending in August (More info).
For questions regarding course contents, structure, relevance for your studies, or if you can participate, please contact Daniel Koch ( or Johan Örn ( For preliminary application and/or expression of interest, please contact Daniel Koch, and include information about your subject/field of research, university, and doctoral programme no later than January 20 2024.
Drawing on current thinking and key sources in philosophy, this course addresses a world in flux, marked by unforeseen happenings and non-linear processes of transformation. Conditions of unknowability, uncertainty and indeterminacy have traditionally been neglected or even ignored within architecture, ostensibly posing a threat to the permanence and stability assumed by the discipline. The matter-of-factness and increasing urgency of these conditions, however, compel us to approach them creatively and to investigate the opportunities they hold for architectural theory and practice.(More info)
Module 1. 22-23 March 2023
Module 2. 19-21 April 2023
Module 3 17-19 May 2023
Deadline for final paper: 20th June 2023
The course is offered by The School of Architecture KTH, Stockholm in collaboration with ResArc: Swedish Research School in Architecture
The course is open for doctoral students in architecture or adjoining fields who have an
interest in architectural theory and the course’s theme. To be qualified for the course, students must have completed a masters’ degree in architecture or have an equivalent level of education.
Application deadline:1 February 2023.
Please send your application toto Catharina Gabrielsson and mark the email F1A5051.
This course will address questions regarding how to position oneself as a researcher within an extended field; and approaches to writing. The course will have a strong focus on writing, combining taught seminars and writing workshops; and is relevant for PhD students in architecture, urban planning, landscape design, and other fields related to the built environment. The course is open to PhD students at both ResArc partners universities (Chalmers, Lund and KTH) and other universities.
(Format: Mainly via Zoom with also some on-site components)
Module 1. 24-25 November 2022
Module 2. 15-16 December 2022
Module 3 19-20 January 2023
The course is coordinated by the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology as part of the Swedish Research School ResArc.
Application deadline: 31 October 2022 (more info).
Expressions of interest: At this point, we welcome expressions of interest by contacting:
Professor Isabelle Doucet (course coordinator)
Professor Monica Billger (Vice head of Dept. PhD Education).
7.5 credits
Place: Zoom
Time: 5 modules, December 2021-June 2022, followed by an exhibition in autumn 2022, peer-review and publication of papers to appear April 2023
The course gives a perspective on theoretical and methodological trajectories of practice-oriented research in architecture. It provides an overview of how theory and methods are addressed concerning forms of knowledge in architecture, with a focus on explorative, reflexive, and critical research methods rooted in the humanities, social sciences, and STS. Notions of different scientific traditions, paradigmatic shifts, and inter- and transdisciplinary research are presented and discussed in ways that are particularly useful for enrolled and emergent doctoral researchers pursuing practice-oriented research.
This doctoral course is a collaboration between KTH School of Architecture in Stockholm and the Department of Architecture at the Technical University Munich (TUM) with the BauHow5 consortium and the Swedish Research School ResArc.
Deadline for application 20 November 2021. (More info)
Exhibiting Architecture, or Architectural Exhibitionism
Spring/Summer 2021
This doctoral course (7,5 credits) is concerned with the communication of architecture through exhibition. Exploring the architectural exhibition both as subject and method, this course will investigate means for scholars in architecture and related fields to correlate critical discourse with societal concerns, and to communicate such means both inside and outside their disciplines. Concerned about architectural exhibitionism, or how architecture has exhibited itself over time, this course argues that contemporary architecture is not only put on stage but is likewise (re)constructed and (re)defined through the very means of communication itself. Hence, to communicate architecture through exhibition is a contemporary act.
Modul 1. 26-29 April 2021
Modul 2. 9-10 June 2021
Modul 3. 1-2 September 2021
The course will be coordinated and taught by Per-Johan Dahl (Lund University) & Whitney Moon (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).
Deadline for application 7 April, 2021. For more info (pdf)
Philosophies in Architectural and Urban Research: Risk, (in)security, indeterminacy
The course (7,5 credits) addresses uncertainty as an overbearing condition of present-day societies – integral to the organisation of labour, the provision of housing, processes of urbanization, flows of migration, forms of valuation, financial speculations, democratic development and climatic tipping points – along with the subsequent efforts to safeguard, establish and control a territory.
Modul 1 (v. 50) 9-11 December
Modul 2.(v. 3) 20-22 January
Modul 3. (v.7) 17-19 February
Modul 4 (v. 12) 24-26 March
The course will be coordinated and taught by Catharina Gabrielsson, associate professor and docent, and Sebastiaan Loosen, post doc, both at The School of Architecture KTH.
Deadline for application is 30 of October 2020. Apply by sending a statement of interest to
For more info: (pdf)
In this course we address memory as a theme of research, both from a theoretical and from a methodological perspective. The course is focused on exploring aspects of memory and acts of assembling and harvesting documents of collective experience. The content of the course is particularly devoted to photography as part of performing architectural research and as a practice of remembering and forgetting. For more information (pdf).
Module I: 27-28 January 2020
Module II: 2-3 March 2020
Application to the course due by 15 of November 2019. Apply by sending a statement of interest to Final dates, schedule and pre-course assignment will be announced after the deadline.
Responsible and contact Sandra Kopljar, and Emma Nilsson,
The ResArc Communication course intends to offer participants in-depth theoretical and practical tools for communication and media production.
With the course Staging the Message. The Architecture of Communication we will analyze, discuss, learn, test and develop – with the support of excellent scholars and practitioners from the field of the image, writing, editing, and curating architecture publications and exhibitions - how the form(at) of your dissertation/research – right from the start, and during the development of your research as a whole – can enable you to critically reflect and develop its content through the interplay between content and form; while the chosen and developed form also will enable you to broadcast, (edit, communicate and mediate) your ideas (content) to an audience within our
information age at large.
While Module 1 will look into different formats, editing and communicative strategies of the architecture book (including the one of dissertations) Module 2 will specifically address how you as an architecture researcher can edit/stage the message through the format of the exhibition. Module 3 (optional, for another 2.5 credits) invites all participants to present their individual PhD dissertation formats for a panel of different research, curating and media experts in the field of architecture communication.
Module I: November 21-23 2018,
Module II: February 20-22 2019,
Module III: March 2019,
For more information, course material, assignment, public lecturers, tours, and forum discussion see also the course description (pdf).
Application to the course due by 31st of October 2018. Apply by sending a statement of interest to
Responsible and contact Meike Schalk (, Roemer van Toorn (
Past ResArc Courses
Communications: Knowledge communication in architectural research 2024 Course description
Philosophies in Architecture 2023 Course description
Situating Research: Approaches, Ethics, Collaborations, Writing 2022/2023 Course description
Approaching research practice in architecture 2021/2022 Course description
Communications: Exhibiting Architecture, or Architectural Exhibitionism 2021 Course description
Philosophies: Risk, (in)security, indeterminacy 2020/2021 Course description
Tendencies: Acts of Memory – Scopic Practices of Remembering and Forgetting
2020 Course description
Communications - Staging the Message. The Architecture of Communication
Nov 2018-March 2019
Feb-Sep 2018
Approaches - From theory to practice - methods for knowledge production in architectural research
November 2017 - January 2018
Tendencies Architectural and Urban Research: Focusing on Everyday Life
April - September 2017
October - December 2015
Approaches - Methods for knowledge (co)production in architectural research and practice
March - June 2015
Tendencies - Temporality, the impact of time in architecture and urban planning
November 2014 - February 2015
Communications - Staging the Message. The Architecture of Communication
September 2013 - January 2014
Philosophies - Architecture in Effect
January - September 2013
Approaches - Scholarly Craft and Criticism
November 2012 - January 2013
Tendencies in Architecture Research
February - September 2012
Past ResArc Courses in Collaboration
Contemporary Didactics in Architectural Education
May - June 2016
Theories in Spatial Morphology
October - December 2016
Practicing Actor-Network Theory
November 2015 - January 2016
Exploring fieldwork
April - October 2015
Transversal Writing
May - September 2015
Transvaluation - Challenging the formation of knowledge
March - April 2014
Architectural Morphology: Investigative modeling and spatial analysis
May 2013
Exploring Fieldwork
April - October 2013